Monday, September 6, 2010

Meatless for a Month

Mr. Hungry and I are going to try our best to eat meatless for a month, starting tomorrow, September 7th.  There are a few reasons for this.  For one thing, I wanted to challenge myself as a cook.  I know I can create pretty good meals using meat, but I'm less skilled at cooking vegetable and vegetarian dishes creatively.  Secondly, Mr. Hungry and I should probably be eating more vegetables than we do.  And Mr. Hungry doesn't always like vegetables.  So this is a good way to try to introduce him to some new ones that he'll hopefully enjoy.

Breakfast, I'm expecting, will be easy.  Dinner shouldn't be too bad.  Lunch will be the hardest, at least for my husband, as he's a big sandwich eater.  I checked out Deborah Madison's bible of vegetarian cooking from the library, Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, and am armed with some recipes from elsewhere, too.  Tonight, one last barbecue.


  1. Legumes are your friends. Peanut butter, beans and tofu (used properly) will make piles of vegetables feel like a meal.

    As far as sandwich fillings go, I could probably go a couple of weeks with just the variations of nut butters. And I'll include Nutella in that category, now that it is reformulated without trans fats.

    Peanut butter and jelly.
    Peanut butter and fluff.
    Peanut butter and honey.
    Peanut butter and banana.
    Peanut butter and nutella.
    Peanut butter and nutella and banana.
    Peanut butter and nutella and fluff.
    Peanut butter and nutella and strawberry jelly.

    And then there are the cheese sandwiches.
    With tomato.
    With avocado.
    With jelly (or chutney).
    With sliced apple (or pear).

    Remember how I said legumes are your friends? You can make bean or lentil patties. Fry them up, and put them between a few slices of bread.

    Best of luck with the challenge. I hope you stick it out.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Daniel, and for all the suggestions. I just had an apple and cheddar sandwich for lunch yesterday. I'll have to try some of your other suggestions, too. Can you believe I've never tried a peanut butter and honey sandwich? It sounds delicious.

    We love beans, and lentils are one of my favorites, so there are sure to be some legumey posts forthcoming!
